Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lets Get Personal: Finding The Way

I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps.
-Jeremiah 11:23

I believe the single overarching folly of mankind is that we believe "our way" is somewhere within us. That if we search deep enough and work hard enough our steps will eventually lead us to truth and satisfaction. We are fools; though we are able to walk we do not know the way. 

"Our way" cannot be found within ourselves, or within any man for that matter, only God can direct our steps to the truth of who we are and what we are to be about to be completely satisfied.

But if we do decide to call on His name for answers, He leads us in a direction none would expect. For He does not reach inside the depths of our hearts and souls to show us the "self" we could never discover on our own, but leads us to the feet of His throne, with Christ at His right hand, and bids us to gaze upward so that we might discover God. For it is only then we realize our inherent worthlessness, the glory and perfection of God and the incredible fact that, in Christ, He sees us as sons and daughters and heirs to His kingdom. This is "our way," it is directed by who God is and subsequently our position in Him, not ourselves. Let us walk in it.

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